Saturday, March 12, 2011

Megachip is blessed

Megachip, the blessed computer shop in Maldives has been one of the bloodlines of MDP during the run-up to the elections. Megachip, though a Maumoon loyal company, switch sides when it was sure Maumoon was going to fail. Major chunks of their funds was initially pumped to promote DRP and, not to keep the opposition too far away, MDP was handed out with just a minor portion of the allocated funds to ensure that deals came flowing whoever wins the presidential elections. Megachip took these as ‘Marketing’ expenses to ensure that their game of getting majority of government deals did not stop at the fall of government.

So after the elections, other computers shops saw Megachip winning lucrative deals from government organizations and companies where most MDP loyalists are the decision makers. Including STO where the Managing Director in cousin of Megachip family.

Megachip has won many deals where eyes brows have been raised and fingers pointed at them and various decision makers in those organizations. One of these deals is the controversial NEXBIS immigration border control deal.

Megachip was awarded the contract from NEXBIS to supply huge numbers of servers and computer systems months before NEXBIS was awarded the contract by Immigration Department. Since the deal was later put on hold by ACC, Megachip made a massive loss on this project.

The current government knows that in order to win 2013 they need funds. Loads and loads of cash to compete with their former allies and the opposition. Like the deal that was offered to Heavy Load, Megachip has been promised a deal.

Government has put forward a tender to purchase all the computer systems required for the government of Maldives and will be awarded to one single party for the entire year. Government has also plans to extend this contract to 3 years ensuring that Megachip wins and the blood supply of Presidential campaign can go on.

Megachip, with Parliamentarians, Government MD’s and Board Members, has set new heights in corruption and bribery that is done during day light and in front of masses.