However, many are aware that the Supreme Court Judges are going to rule in favour of the dictator as sources within the regime say that the judges are directly reporting to Mohamed Rasheed Ibrahim, former chief justice and head of Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs. According to them, the Supreme Court will throw away the two cases against Gayyoom but it is unclear what Gayyoom will decide to do on Anni's case. The case against Anni will be heard at 10:00 pm on Thursday night.
What is sad is that despite the separation of powers, on the outset, the dictator is very much in control of all three, the executive, the judiciary and the legislature.
And the so called 'reformist' Anni is giving press conferences that this election would the most free and fair election held in this region.
I have been a hardcore MDP activist but I have decided not to vote for him anymore. The Primaries I was a lead campaigner for him. I am very very disappointed in him.
First when rumours of the deal between DRP and MDP emerged, I did not believe it. But now I am pretty much ashamed to be an MDP member.
From what I have gathered for far during this lengthly reform process Ibra is the only person who has always stood straight.
I have decided to vote for Ibra.
Anni would very much be like a Maumoon...
I have heard the speach of MDP. The recent ones...And MDP is stating that even if you vote for Maumoon don't vote for Hassan Saeed... When was MDP allowed to endorse Maumoon. MDP's goal, as far as us activists are concerned was to bring maumoon down.
But I wonder if this is possible with MDP. Shame on you. I am quitting MDP for good.
Vote Ibra. Ibra is the man for the Nation.
There were some people from MDP who visited my place today. They asked us who we will vote for and the answer they didn't like to hear was Ibra.
Well, it went on like this "Ibra is a very cpable candidate. He is a very good person but, he doesn't have any support so don't vote for him. Vote for Anni"..
What the Hell... We are still voting for Ibra.
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