Thursday, October 30, 2008

Too good to be true

You know what they say. If somethime is too good to be true, it usually is. I still don't trust the outgoing regime. They will have something up their sleeve cooked up before the 11th. We will have to just wait and see.

For 30 years Maumoon and his fellows have deveiced us. On the outside they are all saints. But in the inside, the devil take them as examples. 

So let us all be prepared for that little final surprise that this regime is going to throw at us.

Let's hope everything goes smoothly.


Anonymous said...

it's unlikely that what you described would happen. Would the people allow such a thing? Would the defense forces just sit there when their new president is at harm's way?

Anonymous said...

o fr cryin outloud giv it a rest!!...find another occupation, or be prepared to hold anni's government accountable...

opinions said...

There is still the court case against Anni... Lets wait and see what Maumoon's judges will do...

Anonymous said...

wat if anni is found guity on the case which is already in highcourt. For campaigning against the law.

Id found guilty he'l face jail sentence.

well lets c.........