Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Plans of bringing down MDP Government is on the horizon

We have received information from trusted sources that there is going to be more votes of no confidence in the parliament. To ensure that these pass through several under the table deals is being done. Recently we came across the Education Ministry buddies Ahmed Zareer (who holds various high ranking posts in this Governement) and Abdullah Salih (who used to be Ahmed Zareer's boss at Min of Education during the time of Golhaa) taking calls and meeting up.

Abdualla Salih who is part of DQP is negotiating with Ahmed Zareer and Ilyas Labeeb to ensure that votes of no confidence passes through. Ilyas Labeeb seems to be a major key in getting Adduans together. We have information that the price Ahmed Zareer and Ilyas Labeeb is asking for is close to a million dollars for this switch from MDP to DQP. They have planned this as a surprise.

More parliamentarians are in talks with several other parties including Seafood Musthafa, who is negotiating with DRP, Colonel Mohamed Nasheed who is in direct talks with Golhaa himself, Bonda ibrey, Kubey and last minute switch over of some crook parliamentarians. Alhan Fahmy's role when his switched sides was to disperse MDP members to various different parties.

Opposition is uniting to bring an end to the rule of MDP. God bless this country. Maldivians should take this as a lesson, "Do not just vote for the person your party puts in front. Evaluate the person before you vote".


labeeb said...

ey kaley men heevanee tha we adduans are dumb people with no power power in this government. just as you wont here about unlimited credit given to reeko moosa by sto, f**k you we are in power do u hear of the millions of Dollars of loans taken by 3A or amounts being taken by zaki and his family? Alhan has house given by MDP cronies and jabir gave cash anni has no power fu** you and your change up ur asses.

Anonymous said...

these corrpted parlimentarians will be the end of anni . They should be wiped out from parliment now reeko moosa and all those people like mustafa,mariya,bonda, hamid etc are corrupt and failures. Labeeb is not one of them he will stick to anni like his skin. adduans are not corrupt they are loyal and good people. we love anni and his excellency we are with you anni

Anonymous said...

To Annoymous,

Like Ilyas Labeeb and family was not part of Golhaas Governement before they jumped on the MDP bandwagon the last minute.

Like Dr. Hassan Saeed is not from Addu. Like Mavotaa is not from Addu
Like Imad Salih is not from Addu.
Like Munavvar is not from Addu and not corrupt either.
Like Alhan Fahumy is not from Addu.

Looks like the only people who keep on changing sides is from Addu...

The entire Addu is full of Hypocrites....