Friday, September 19, 2008

Ibra selects Nahid as running mate

Ibra has appointed Fathimath Nahid Shakir as his running mate. The announcement was made at a ceremony held at Dharubaaruge last night(19th Sepetember 2008).


Anonymous said...

The question is can a school teacher lead our country?

Ismail Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

Maumoon was a school teacher at Aminiya once. Hope that settles your question.

Anonymous said...

Im a teacher & im gonna win 2020 presidential Election.

Vroomfondel said...

You dont need to be a religious scholar or a phd holder to lead a country. History has shown us great leaders that came from all walks of life that had led their nations successfully.

Anonymous said...

yes a school teacher can lead. but can nahid lead? she is nothing but a deceptive dishonest old cow.