Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Loan Star 'Flu' Nashid

We have heard about Loan Star Adam Zahir for sometime now. This week we saw another Loan Star falling  victim to the favors Maumoon has offered him. Why is Floo Nadhid a Loan Star?

Floo Nashid of Zero Degree Atoll received a loan close to a million rufiyaa for his Album ‘Bird in Flight’ during 2002 or 2003 which I can’t remember correctly. This money was spent on expensive recording studios in Australia and top session artists who have done recordings for the leading musicians in the world. This loan, which all of you know that Floo will never pay, has been a burden for him for some time now.

During the minivan radio days he used to produce programs and music thinking Maumoon can be brought down quickly so he can get away with his loan. But unfortunately the migration to Australia short lived. He had to return to Maldives in fear of arrest but survived by promising to serve Maumoon as long as the loan is not paid back.

Floo Nashid is well known for dishonouring his fellow musicians when it comes to paying them. This has been the case from the days of Ahmed John to Mohodhey. Floo’s 'recreational' expenditure is so high that he is unable to save any, so the ultimate price is paid by his fellow musicians.

So ‘Flu’ Nashid has ultimately decided to serve his Master. 

All musicians and fans who love change should stay away from him.  Do not attend his performances. Let your thoughts be heard. Let us all protest and stay home and let him perform 'Alone'


Anonymous said...

Such a call like this, even in the name of reformists, will fall on many deaf ears. There are very hard-core fans of Nashid (whom i believe is not the reason why Zero Degree's music was so good. All credit should go to John, as he is the brains behind their music).

Anonymous said...

Nashid will always be nashid. He is a ver talented musician but unfortunately without ethics and morals. He even couldn't come to Male' when his dad was diagnosed with Lukemia.He was enjoying performing in pubs in australia. So its no surprise that he can be easily bought by Golhaa.